Beijing Area Natural Ski Resorts
Here is the place to have a look if you want to spend fun winter holidays by skiing in China! You will find a selection of the natural ski resorts in the Beijing area.
Get a short information about these ski resorts, benefit from the discount prices we can offer from the original fares given in these ski resorts, or even ask us to help you organize your holidays there! We can arrange your transportation, select and book your accomodation, or even organize your whole trip following your wishes.
We selected 11 sites in the Beijing Area :
Here is the place to have a look if you want to spend fun winter holidays by skiing in China! You will find a selection of the natural ski resorts in the Beijing area.
Get a short information about these ski resorts, benefit from the discount prices we can offer from the original fares given in these ski resorts, or even ask us to help you organize your holidays there! We can arrange your transportation, select and book your accomodation, or even organize your whole trip following your wishes.
We selected 11 sites in the Beijing Area :
_Jundu Mountain Ski Resort
It is located only 30kms away from Beijing city, as the nearest resort. The skiing area is about 150,000 Sq.M, which is among the biggest ski resort near Beijing.
It is located only 30kms away from Beijing city, as the nearest resort. The skiing area is about 150,000 Sq.M, which is among the biggest ski resort near Beijing.
Wanlong Bayi Ski Resort
Beijing Wanlong Bayi Ski resort is located between ring 6 and 5 of the city, it is the only ski resort located in the city.
Wanlong Bayi Ski Resort
Beijing Wanlong Bayi Ski resort is located between ring 6 and 5 of the city, it is the only ski resort located in the city.
Yuyang Ski Resort
Yuyang ski resort is located about 60 km from Beijing city. It is a resort with good facility for both competition and leisure holiday.
Huaibei Ski Resort
Huaibei Ski Resort provides ski, meals, sightseeing and accommodation services. It is also located near a natural resort with some nice natual views around.
Huaibei Ski Resort
Huaibei Ski Resort provides ski, meals, sightseeing and accommodation services. It is also located near a natural resort with some nice natual views around.
Lianhua Mountain Ski Resort
Lianhua Mountain Ski resort is located about 50 km from Beijing, and it is the biggest area ski resort in Beijing.
Lianhua Mountain Ski Resort
Lianhua Mountain Ski resort is located about 50 km from Beijing, and it is the biggest area ski resort in Beijing.
Yunju Ski Resort
Yunju Si Resort is located about 60km from the city, and is nearby the thousand year Yunju Temple.
Yunju Ski Resort
Yunju Si Resort is located about 60km from the city, and is nearby the thousand year Yunju Temple.
Yun Fo Shan Ski Resort
Yun Fo Mountain Ski resort is located 75 km from the city. It is at South of the Miyun Water Resevoire surrounded by the mountains, a very sceneric place.
Yun Fo Shan Ski Resort
Yun Fo Mountain Ski resort is located 75 km from the city. It is at South of the Miyun Water Resevoire surrounded by the mountains, a very sceneric place.
Shijing Long Ski Resort
Shijinglong Ski Resort is located in beijing natural resort Yan Qing area, about 80 km away from Beijing. It is the first ski resort who was equipped with artificial snow.
Shijing Long Ski Resort
Shijinglong Ski Resort is located in beijing natural resort Yan Qing area, about 80 km away from Beijing. It is the first ski resort who was equipped with artificial snow.
Badaling Ski Resort
Badaling Ski resort is located 85km away from Beijing and 2km away from the Badaling Great Wall.
Badaling Ski Resort
Badaling Ski resort is located 85km away from Beijing and 2km away from the Badaling Great Wall.
Snow World Ski Resort
Beijing Snow World Ski Resort is located 69 km away from Beijing and inside the Ming 13 Tomb National Park, surrounded by the mountains.
Snow World Ski Resort
Beijing Snow World Ski Resort is located 69 km away from Beijing and inside the Ming 13 Tomb National Park, surrounded by the mountains.
Nanshan Ski Resort
NanShan ski resort is located 62km from Beijing. It is a full season resort with varies activities like paragliding and grass skiiing throughtout the year.
Nanshan Ski Resort
NanShan ski resort is located 62km from Beijing. It is a full season resort with varies activities like paragliding and grass skiiing throughtout the year.
我们在北京地区选择了11个滑雪场 :
我们在北京地区选择了11个滑雪场 :
北京金海湖渔阳国际滑雪有限公司位于风光秀美的京东绿都平谷区,距北京四元桥仅60公里。 北京渔阳国际滑雪场将竞技与娱雪相结合,其规模设施与国际接轨,是集滑雪旅游酒店住宿会议度假为一体 的旅游度假综合体。
北京金海湖渔阳国际滑雪有限公司位于风光秀美的京东绿都平谷区,距北京四元桥仅60公里。 北京渔阳国际滑雪场将竞技与娱雪相结合,其规模设施与国际接轨,是集滑雪旅游酒店住宿会议度假为一体 的旅游度假综合体。
北京怀北滑雪场(距市区60公里)集滑雪、餐饮、观光、住宿于一体的四季旅游休闲运动场所。它位于怀柔区城北 18公里,雁栖湖北行 5公里的九谷口自然风景区内,这里依山傍水、长城环绕,集自然风景与人文景观于一体的怀柔著名景点。
北京怀北滑雪场(距市区60公里)集滑雪、餐饮、观光、住宿于一体的四季旅游休闲运动场所。它位于怀柔区城北 18公里,雁栖湖北行 5公里的九谷口自然风景区内,这里依山傍水、长城环绕,集自然风景与人文景观于一体的怀柔著名景点。
北京莲花山滑雪场(距市区约50公里)位于北京市顺义区张镇,占地 100余万平方米,于2003年12月19日建成营业。通过今年二期工程的建设,现已成为北京占地面积最大的滑雪场 。
北京莲花山滑雪场(距市区约50公里)位于北京市顺义区张镇,占地 100余万平方米,于2003年12月19日建成营业。通过今年二期工程的建设,现已成为北京占地面积最大的滑雪场 。
云居滑雪场(距市区约60公里)位于北京市房山区张坊镇,占地总面积80万平方米。毗邻千年古刹——云居寺,依偎在巍峨太行的怀抱,诚所谓“太行环抱,佛光普照”之福地 。
云居滑雪场(距市区约60公里)位于北京市房山区张坊镇,占地总面积80万平方米。毗邻千年古刹——云居寺,依偎在巍峨太行的怀抱,诚所谓“太行环抱,佛光普照”之福地 。
北京石京龙滑雪场于一九九九年建成,位于国家级生态环境示范区 —— 北京夏都延庆,距北京市区80公里,是北京周边地区第一家、规模最大、设备设施齐全、全国最先采用人工造雪的滑雪场。
北京石京龙滑雪场于一九九九年建成,位于国家级生态环境示范区 —— 北京夏都延庆,距北京市区80公里,是北京周边地区第一家、规模最大、设备设施齐全、全国最先采用人工造雪的滑雪场。
北京雪世界滑雪场有限公司(距市区约69公里)是一家由中美合资经营的企业 , 位于北京驰名中外的明十三陵旅游风景区凤凰山内,四面环山,依山傍水,风景优美,是距北京最近、最大的旅游滑雪场,仅30分钟车程。
北京雪世界滑雪场有限公司(距市区约69公里)是一家由中美合资经营的企业 , 位于北京驰名中外的明十三陵旅游风景区凤凰山内,四面环山,依山傍水,风景优美,是距北京最近、最大的旅游滑雪场,仅30分钟车程。
北京南山滑雪度假村位于密云县城正南方,距北京市四元桥62公里,占地面积4000 余亩,是集滑雪滑水滑草滑道以及滑翔等动感旅游项目为一体的四季度假村。
北京南山滑雪度假村位于密云县城正南方,距北京市四元桥62公里,占地面积4000 余亩,是集滑雪滑水滑草滑道以及滑翔等动感旅游项目为一体的四季度假村。