Gateway To Freedom
- a Hiking & Paragliding Combo activity
Silently gliding along the currents,
rely on the invisible forces of the nature.
As you fly over the pure landscape of this beautiful land,
Experience a taste of eternal freedom,
light as the air without the burdens of the earth.
There is no better way to explore a land than from the sky...
Length : 2 days, 1 nights
Location: Zhejiang, Fuyang, Longmen
- a Hiking & Paragliding Combo activity
Silently gliding along the currents,
rely on the invisible forces of the nature.
As you fly over the pure landscape of this beautiful land,
Experience a taste of eternal freedom,
light as the air without the burdens of the earth.
There is no better way to explore a land than from the sky...
Length : 2 days, 1 nights
Location: Zhejiang, Fuyang, Longmen
For more details about the difficulty levels, click here.
Visit the ancient town from the Three Kingdom era, see how the old town tells us the story of two thousand years ago.
We will go along beautiful water wonders: quiet lake, active waterfalls…we will set foot on the ancient path for a view of the region from the summit…
Fly one by one, swinging, lifting and elevating the soul up, seems we are back to void, feel the power of freedom…
Visit the ancient town from the Three Kingdom era, see how the old town tells us the story of two thousand years ago.
We will go along beautiful water wonders: quiet lake, active waterfalls…we will set foot on the ancient path for a view of the region from the summit…
Fly one by one, swinging, lifting and elevating the soul up, seems we are back to void, feel the power of freedom…
(Depending on wind conditions the flight might be scheduled on Day 1 or Day 2, the earlier the better wind, the hiking part will be adjust into our itinerary) Day 1 08:30 Departure from Shanghai 11:30 Arrival mountain, equipment on and flying one by one 12:30 Lunch when not flying 13:30 Continue flying one by one 17:30 Visit the old town 19:00 Local dinner 21:00 Back to Guesthouse and rest Day 2 07:30 Breakfast 08:30 Mountain hiking into nature ( if we success flying everyone, or we will prioritize on first finish flying everyone ) 12:00 Lunch and hike back ( or keep flying ) 15:30 Enjoy nature and return 19:00 Arrival in Shanghai - for safe flying, you will be fly with a coach, every person one jump, till the whole group finished - in the sky, it will be around 8-10 min, the whole process will be around 30min preparation - you will be flying with a coach, no need experience - lunch will be in the base or in village, depend on how it is going on - follow our coach's advice to fly and it depends on the wind condition, if the wind is not in right direction/too big/too small/rainy, we may cancel it onsite - if we finish early, we will organize explore in the mountain - kid aged above 5 years old can fly Weather Conditions & Cancellation: This activity is conditioned by the weather. If at any time the weather conditions are not suitable to perform the flight safely, the activity will be cancelled and those participants that couldn't fly, the price for the activity will be 799 RMB each instead of 1290 RMB for the two days two nights accommodation/meals/organization. If the weather is not appropriate before the departure from Shanghai the trip will be cancelled without fee. We will take all the payment first, and if no fly we will refund you. Transportation: A private mini-bus will be arranged from/back to Shanghai downtown. Gathering: Time: 8:30am (08:30) Place: (unless notified differently) Zhongshan Park Subway Station, Line 3-4, Exit 3 Beside the 7-Eleven shop Meals: The meals include country side local dishes, fresh vegetable and meat cooked in the traditional way. Simple and Healthy. Should you have especial requirements, please let us know beforehand. Accommodation: We will stay in a local guesthouse that we choose according to their good service commitment. Arrangements are usually twin- bedrooms and big bed room. Friendly and Family atmosphere. Clean and simple. Equipment: (Need to be prepared by each participant) - Passport / Chinese ID card for paragliding (no passport no fly) - Hiking shoes/boots (heel protection for landing) - Rain coat in case - Weather protection according to the season (in winter:wind breaker, gloves & hat;in summer: sunscreen, sun glasses ) - Drinking bottle (no soft plastic, as often refill is with boiled water and it melts) - Small bag to carry your things during the day - Quick dry sports gear - Personal toiletries and towel - Small snack - Open mind:) Booking Procedures: Click on the side link and follow the procedures. Activity Confirmation: Upon reaching the minimum amount of participants, you'll receive an email with the last details about the trip. Usually 2 days before the departure. If we are unable to reach the minimum amount of participants, we will postpone or cancel the activity. Price: 1290 RMB Minimum 8 persons / Maximum 19 persons Due to to special insurance and success booking, pre-payment are required for this activity. All payment info will be send after the booking confirmation. Private Groups & Team Outings: Choose a date and we can arrange this trip especially for you (price is in dependant on group size) Minimum 10 people. Included: - Transportation From & Back to Shanghai - Insurance - Meals as per itinerary - Paragliding - Guiding & Coaching - Accommodation Not Included: - Alcoholic Drinks - Activities and expenses not mentioned in the itinerary Enjoy your vitality, devote to the Present and experience nature with serenity… See you soon! |
冥心凝神 壮气巅云
- 浙江滑翔伞及徒步
- 浙江滑翔伞及徒步
关于徒步等级 更多信息
我们的徒步从探访三国时期即显赫一时的古村落。踏在淡淡的石板路上,听她诉说着两千年前的故事。一起,用心倾听静谧的湖水,抚摸着奔腾的瀑布… 踏上徒步古道,穿越时光静静的矗立于之巅眺望我们的内心。 依次飞翔而下,摇曳空中,感受热血的澎湃。 激昂鼓舞的灵魂好似回归虚空,重启着原始的能量… 行程安排: 一日 08:30 上海出发 12:30 到达古镇享受当地菜肴 13:30 探访三国古村后开始徒步 17:00 感受着夕阳的宁静,披裹着霞光,下山。 19:00 等待月光,在头灯的跃动下来到山下,找到我们的客栈,晚餐 20:00 晚餐后的自由时光 二日 07:30 早起,早餐,将心安驻期待那飞翔的自由 08:30 上山到达飞翔点 12:30 下至村中午餐,品位着当地和一起的味道 13:30 享受清闲和独处,给时光自由 15:00 返程上海 思念 19:00 到了上海 关于交通: 我们将安排专车自集合点到当地往返 关于集合: 出发前,组织邮件将发给每一位参加者,通知集合时间地点,携带物品,及注意事项 集合时间:以通知邮件为准 集合地点:中山公园地铁站,3-4号线,3号出口(7-11 便利店旁) 关于用餐: 当地特色的餐饮,土法烹制 如果您有特殊的需要请提前告知我们 关于住宿: 住在当地简洁舒适的农家乐 通常双人间或者多人间 携带的物品: (需要每一位参加者自己准备) - 适合户外的徒步鞋/登山鞋 - 徒步小背包,约20升 - 运动快干衣 - 雨衣(以防下雨) - 个人水壶(可在当地灌装开水) - 登山杖(可选择性携带) - 个人洗漱用具,毛巾等 - 季节性的防护用品 (夏季防晒霜,防蚊,墨镜等防晒用品;冬季帽子,围巾等) - 开放的精神和思想,利于人生每一步:) 关于报名: 点击 这里 报名 只需根据报名页面的要求,发确认Email至我们邮箱。 所有跟进工作将由我们开展 费用: 1290 元/人 活动费用可在当天支付现金,或通过微信/支付宝支付 至少 10 人 至多 29人 团队 或者 12 人以上团队提前要求日期 费用包含: - 往返集合点的接送包车 - 活动领队,当地向导及所有所需公共用品 - 行程内的餐饮 - 当地农家住宿 - 户外保险 不包含: - 酒水(啤酒饮料等大家AA) - 其他个人消费 活动后: 个人的照片采集,望大家无私分享并由YEJO负责收集后 将最终版发给大家,保留期间美妙瞬间。 享受我们的活力和那自然恬静,与人分享的时光... 到时见! |