Mt. Siguniang Summit
- Second Sister Peak Adventurers
Accompanied with a lotus heart,
we explore the mountain with peace.
It is all about the immersion into the nature,
and the sweet harmony of “stand by me” experience with the pure Second Sister peak
Length : 6 days, 5 nights
- Second Sister Peak Adventurers
Accompanied with a lotus heart,
we explore the mountain with peace.
It is all about the immersion into the nature,
and the sweet harmony of “stand by me” experience with the pure Second Sister peak
Length : 6 days, 5 nights
For more details about the difficulty levels, click here.
About The Retreat
Mt Siguniang encompasses four peaks, as known as the four sisters.
The highest peak, standing at 6250 meters, is Yaomei Feng literally "peak of the youngest sister", also known as the ‘Queen of Sichuan’peaks...
Five days into the stunning nature,
along with the horses and close group,
the sacred land peaces our mind and turns time off…
and shows us the door to
full abundance of Spirituality
Mt Siguniang encompasses four peaks, as known as the four sisters.
The highest peak, standing at 6250 meters, is Yaomei Feng literally "peak of the youngest sister", also known as the ‘Queen of Sichuan’peaks...
Five days into the stunning nature,
along with the horses and close group,
the sacred land peaces our mind and turns time off…
and shows us the door to
full abundance of Spirituality
D1 “CHENGDU CHENGDU” --:-- Arrival in Chengdu from different cities,check-in and free time D2 “The ENTRY and Rilong Mountain village” 04:30 Get up 06:10 Departure from Chengdu to Rilong 19:00 Arrival in the mountain village Rilong 19:30 Dinner and Free time before Sleeping D3 “Adaptation Hiking Shuangdiao Village” 07:00 Get up, exercise and breathing 08:30 Breakfast 09:15 Departure, Shuangdiao Village 13:00 Road Simple Lunch 16:00 Back to Rilong 19:30 Dinner D4 “Base Camp C1…” 06:30 Get up, exercise and breathing 07:00 Sunrise moments 08:00 Breakfast and packing 08:30 Departure for Base Camp 13:00 Road Simple Lunch 16:00 Arrival Base Camp,Tent Pitching and Cooking 18:00 Dinner 19:00 Around the fire leisure time, drying the socks 21:30 Exercise, stretching and rest D5 “Summit Challenge – Be enchanted and Purified” 05:00 Get up, exercise and breathing 05:30 Decide the Summit Team by Physical Condition 08:30 Topping the Summit 10:30 Base Camp and back to Rilong 13:00 Road Simple Lunch 16:30 Arrival Rilong 19:00 Dinner and Free Time Today, total trekking time about 10 hours D6 “Rilong-Luding-Chengdu” 06:30 Get up, exercise and breathing 07:00 Sunrise moments 08:00 Breakfast and Packing 09:30 Departure for Chengdu 18:00 Arrival Chengdu, Farewell, free choice… Transportation: The meeting point is in Chengdu City (Sichuan Province). A private mini-bus will be arranged from/back to Chengdu downtown or Airport. Notice for the itinerary: The return to Chengdu occasionally have traffic jam and regulations. To avoid missing the airplane please arrange your flight accordingly. Gathering: Time: afternoon of Day 1 Place: (unless notified differently) at the Guesthouse lobby, informed upon booking. Meals: The meals will be countryside local dishes, fresh vegetable and meat cooked in the traditional way and wild cooking. Simple and Healthy. Should you have especial requirements, please let us know beforehand. Accommodation: We will stay in two local guesthouses that we choose according to their good service commitment. Arrangements are usually twin bedrooms and occassionally in a shared dormitory. Friendly and Family atmosphere. Clean and simple. Camping: We provide 2- people tents (to be shared with another participant), cooking Equipments, meals and carriers hired for this part of the equipment. Equipment: (Need to be prepared by each participant) It is much colder in the mountain, keep warm !! - Mountain sunglasses, Lipbalm, sun protection - Sleeping bag -20 degree Celsius - Sleeping mattress - Backpack 60L - Day-backpack 15L (to carry lunch and drinking during the day) - Hiking boots (warm, water/snow-proof) - Hiking jacket and pant - Warm layers (200gram & 400 gram polar fleece. Depending on season: wind breaker, gloves & hat) - Dawn Jacket - Quick dry T-shirt - Snow gaiter - Waterproof glove - Hiking socks - Fleece hats - Head lamp - Hiking Poles (optional, helpful with wet path and to avoid knee problems) - Eating set - Drinking bottle (no soft bottles because refill is often with boiled water) - Some snacks (4 simple lunch portion) - Personal medical care. Booking Procedures: Click on the side link and follow the procedures. Activity Confirmation: Upon reaching the minimum amount of participants, you'll receive an email with the last details about the trip. Usually 2 days before the departure. If we are unable to reach the minimum amount of participants, we will postpone or cancel the activity. Price: 3990 RMB This activity requires a pre-payment. Payment options are: - Cash payment in Shanghai office - Bank Transfer Minimum 5 persons, Maximum 12 persons Private Groups & Team Outings: Choose a date and we can arrange this trip especially for you (price is dependant on group size). Included: - Land transportation once in Chengdu (from & back to Chengdu) - Insurance (Click here for details) - Meals as per itinerary - Guiding & Coaching - Accommodation Not Included: - Alcoholic Drinks - Activities and expenses not mentioned in the itinerary and personal shopping - Transportation to Chengdu (Air ticket, train, bus) to Chengdu - Personal equipment for high land trekking like hiking shoes, clothing, backpacks and personal shopping Weather Conditions & Cancelation: This activity is dependant on the weather. If at any time the weather conditions are not suitable to perform the summit hike safely, the activity will be cancelled and we will propose an alternative hiking route or workshop that is more compatible. Enjoy your vitality, devote to the Present and experience nature with serenity… See you soon! |
Simple abundant life flows from within, regardless of clothing or color of the skin; it is only the manifestation of the soul of peace and joy…
之巅妙法 雪域心莲
- 四川藏区 四姑娘山之二峰 攀登
Accompanied with a lotus heart,
we explore the mountain with peace.
It is all about the immersion into the nature,
and the sweet harmony of “stand by me” experience with the pure Second Sister peak
- 四川藏区 四姑娘山之二峰 攀登
Accompanied with a lotus heart,
we explore the mountain with peace.
It is all about the immersion into the nature,
and the sweet harmony of “stand by me” experience with the pure Second Sister peak
关于徒步等级 更多信息
行程安排 D1 “成都 成都!” --:-- 到达成都,入住后自由活动 D2 “开篇 成都-丹巴-小金-日隆” 04:30 起床 06:30 成都出发至日隆 19:00 到达日隆 19:30 食宿日隆 – 海拔3100米 (这条线路常年修路,可能会有堵车或交通管制) D3 “ 双雕沟 适应徒步” 07:00 起床 静思冥想 08:30 早餐 09:15 出发双雕! 13:00 路餐 16:00 返程日隆 19:30 晚餐,休息 D4 “大本营 C1” 06:30 起床 静思冥想 07:00 日出 呼吸 07:30 早餐 整装 08:30 出发 13:00 路餐 16:00 扎营起灶 18:00 晚餐 19:00 围坐篝火 烤鞋暖袜 21:30 冥想瑜伽,休息 D5 “大本营-登顶-日隆” 05:00 起床 静思冥想 05:30 看状态确定冲顶人员 08:30 登顶 10:30 大本营 11:30 路餐 16:30 日隆 17:30 晚餐 自由 D6 “日隆–泸定-成都…” 06:30 起床 静思冥想 07:00 日出 呼吸 08:00 早餐 08:30 出发 17:00 成都 惜别 关于交通: 我们将安排专车自集合点到当地往返 关于集合: 出发前,组织邮件将发给每一位参加者,通知集合时间地点,携带物品,及注意事项 集合时间:以通知邮件为准 集合地点:四川成都 关于用餐: 当地特色的餐饮,土法烹制 如果您有特殊的需要请提前告知我们 关于住宿: 住在当地简洁舒适的农家乐 通常双人间或者多人间 携带的物品: (需要每一位参加者自己准备) - 登山护目镜,润唇膏,防晒霜 - 睡袋,-20度舒适温标 - 防潮垫 - 60升徒步背包 - 便于携带的约15升小背包 - 登山靴/登山鞋,保护脚踝 - 冲锋衣 - 保暖层-200—400克摇粒绒的衣服,防风服,手套和帽子 - 羽绒服 - 速干衫 - 雪靴 - 防水手套 - 厚的登山袜 - 羊绒帽 - 头灯 - 登山杖 - 个人饭盒 - 个人水壶 (非塑料的) - 补充能量的小零食 - 如有个人的护理包 - 开放的精神和思想,利于人生每一步:) 小提示: - 冲顶前身体状态不佳者建议留守营地,继续适应海拔和修养,在与领队协商后可考虑参加后续队伍的冲顶,不收取任何费用。 - 冲顶完成后,要自行活动者需告知领队,并且不得再进行登山等危险活动。 特别提醒: - 注意安全,听从领队安排,请勿迟到,请勿擅自冒险行动、离队、安全自负。 - 注重环保,不乱扔杂物。(每人自备一杂物袋)塑料袋、废旧电池及不可降解的物品一定 要带出。 - 尊重当地的风俗习惯 - 队员之间必须相互体谅,有重大决定或提议由大家协商,但领队有最终决定权。 - 在整个登山活动中,如果出现特殊情况,需放弃登顶,请参加队员绝对服从领队的意见。 - 天气寒冷,请一定注意保暖,严防感冒和冻伤。 - 请有参与打算的人员提前做好工作安排,并适当调整身体状况(锻炼),另外提前准备装备。有困难请及时联系我们。 - 根据自身情况,可通过购买更全面的保险来降低登山风险。 - 如发生堵车、塌方、天气变化、政策变化、意外事故等因素产生其它费用,需队员自付,请谅解。 - 因队员自身原因在报名后无法参加活动,或中途退出,已交费用不予退还。 声明: 任何登山都有其不可避免的危险性,在必须服从领队的同时,此次活动为召集活动,雲玖社区不对任何任何意外造成的人员伤亡负责,请各位参与者确认风险后参与。 关于报名: 点击 这里 报名 只需根据报名页面的要求,发确认Email至我们邮箱。 所有跟进工作将由我们开展 费用: 3990 元/人 活动费用可在当天支付现金,或通过微信/支付宝支付 至少8人 至多 29人 团队 或者10人以上团队提前要求日期 费用包含: - 活动领队,当地向导及所有所需公共用品 - 行程内的餐饮 - 行程内当地农家住宿 - 户外保险 不包含: - 酒水(啤酒饮料等大家AA) - 其他个人消费 - 往返成都的大交通费用 活动后: 个人的照片采集,望大家无私分享并由YEJO负责收集后 将最终版发给大家,保留期间美妙瞬间。 享受我们的活力和那自然恬静,与人分享的时光... 到时见! |