Ever with...
- Xujiashan hiking
What we see, is what we are.
Every step we take...
A step with humility, gratitude and vitality into the nature.
It is also a step to know who we are.
The authenticity and peace of nature can be appreciated only when they are unveiled in us.
Length: 2 days, 2 nights
Location: Zhejiang, Ninghai, Xujiashan
- Xujiashan hiking
What we see, is what we are.
Every step we take...
A step with humility, gratitude and vitality into the nature.
It is also a step to know who we are.
The authenticity and peace of nature can be appreciated only when they are unveiled in us.
Length: 2 days, 2 nights
Location: Zhejiang, Ninghai, Xujiashan
For more details about the difficulty, click here
At the time when the seasons are manifested in the fields, the village is a world of rocks, simple and balanced, like its history. It reminds us of traveling back to the life essentials - simple steady steps, but fulfilling… Itinerary Day 1 During Holidays we will start the trip earlier at 14:00 (2 PM) 19:15 Departure from Shanghai 22:45 Sleep in the quiet village Day 2 06:30 Early wake up and take some fresh air in the mountain village 07:30 Everybody get up and breakfast 08:30 Leave for the foot of the mountain 09:00 Hiking in the nature and discover the stunning nature around 10:30 Rest a bit and enjoy the nature! 12:00 Lunch picknick 13:30 Continue the hiking 16:00 Back to the village and break time 18:00 Dinner 22:00 Sleep Day 3 07:30 Waking up and taking a walk around 08:00 Breakfast 09:00 Hiking to a very different landscape 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Back to Shanghai 18:00 Arrive in Shanghai Transportation: A private mini-bus will be arranged from/back to Shanghai downtown. Gathering: Time: 19:30 Place: (unless notified differently) Zhongshan Park Subway Station, Line 3-4, Exit 3 Beside the 7-Eleven shop Meals: The meals include countryside local dishes, fresh vegetable and meat cooked in the traditional way. Simple and Healthy. Should you have especial requirements, please let us know beforehand. Accommodation: We stay in local guesthouse that we choose, according to their good service commitment. Arrangements are usually twin bedrooms and occassionally in a shared dormitory. Friendly and Family atmosphere. Clean and simple. Equipment: (Need to be prepared, by each participant) - Hiking shoes (necessary, paths are very slippery when wet) - Hiking Jacket & Pants - Quick dry sports gear - Rain coat (in case it rains) - Warm layers (depending on season:wind breaker, gloves & hat) - Drinking bottle (no soft plastic, as often refill is with boiled water and it melts) - Small bag to carry your things during the day - Hiking Poles (optional, helpful with wet path and to avoid knee problems) - Head lamp (optional) - Personal toiletries and towel - Small snacks Booking Procedures: Click here for booking Activity Confirmation: Upon reaching the minimum amount of participants, you'll receive an email with the last details about the trip. Usually 2 days before the departure. If we are unable to reach the minimum amount of participants we will postpone or cancel the activity. Price: 799 RMB Payment is done on- site, directly collected by our activity leaders. No deposit required, however we kindly ask you to keep us updated if after booking you are unable to attend. Thank you. Minimum 8 persons, Maximum 19 persons Private Groups & Team Outings: Choose a date and we can arrange this trip only for you (price is dependant on group size) Included: - Transportation From & Back to Shanghai - Insurance (Click here for details) - Meals as per itinerary - Guiding & Coaching - 2 nights accommodation Not included: - Alcoholic Drinks - Other personal expenses Enjoy your vitality, devote to the Present and experience nature with serenity… See you soon! |
清秋临辉 明静怀远
- 浙江宁海徒步
静谧的山脚石头村,简单、平衡,如小村里年轮般的历史。亦似默默的回归本真之旅, 简单而又夯实异常…
- 浙江宁海徒步
静谧的山脚石头村,简单、平衡,如小村里年轮般的历史。亦似默默的回归本真之旅, 简单而又夯实异常…
关于徒步等级 更多信息
前往浙东腹地,安静的山丘田野,赏中秋皓月当空,看着满天繁星宁静而神奇的展现着宇宙无穷的浩瀚和那神秘、绚丽而又包容一切的真诚… 徒步林间,放下一切的自己,唯有自然和灵性唤醒当下。 行程安排: 第一天 如遇节假日,将提早至14:00出发 19:15 上海 集合出发 22:45 村庄农家 静睡 第二天 06:30 早起 漫步自然 07:30 所有人都起床,早餐 08:30 驱车前往山脚 09:00 徒步林间 10:30 在草甸休整 继续上路 12:00 午餐路餐 13:30 继续徒步 16:00 下山 16:30 回到住处 休息会儿 18:00 晚餐 22:00 休息 第三天 07:30 早起 08:00 早餐 09:00 开始进山 新的路线 13:00 出山,午餐 14:30 返程 18:00 回到上海 关于交通: 我们将安排专车自集合点到当地往返 关于集合: 出发前,组织邮件将发给每一位参加者,通知集合时间地点,携带物品,及注意事项 集合时间:以通知邮件为准 集合地点:中山公园地铁站,3-4号线,3号出口(7-11 便利店旁) 关于用餐: 当地特色的餐饮,土法烹制 如果您有特殊的需要请提前告知我们 关于住宿: 住在当地简洁舒适的农家乐 通常双人间或者多人间 携带的物品: (需要每一位参加者自己准备) - 适合户外的徒步鞋/登山鞋 - 徒步小背包,约20升 - 运动快干衣 - 雨衣(以防下雨) - 个人水壶(可在当地灌装开水) - 登山杖(可选择性携带) - 个人洗漱用具,毛巾等 - 季节性的防护用品 (夏季防晒霜,防蚊,墨镜等防晒用品;冬季帽子,围巾等) - 开放的精神和思想,利于人生每一步:) 关于报名: 点击 这里 报名 只需根据报名页面的要求,发确认Email至我们邮箱。 所有跟进工作将由我们开展 费用: 799 元/人 活动费用可在当天支付现金,或通过微信/支付宝支付 至少8人 至多 29人 团队 或者10人以上团队提前要求日期 费用包含: - 往返集合点的接送包车 - 活动领队,当地向导及所有所需公共用品 - 行程内的餐饮 - 2晚当地农家住宿 - 户外保险 不包含: - 酒水(啤酒饮料等大家AA) - 其他个人消费 活动后: 个人的照片采集,望大家无私分享并由YEJO负责收集后 将最终版发给大家,保留期间美妙瞬间。 享受我们的活力和那自然恬静,与人分享的时光... 到时见! |