Life in a Pictory
- Photography Workshop Retreat -
- Photography Workshop Retreat -
“It is within us that landscapes become landscapes.
That is why if I image them, I create them.
If I create them, they exist.
If they exist, I see them.
Life is what we make of it.
Travel is the traveler.
What we see is not what we see, but what we are…”
Following our experienced and award winning photographer, we discover life and express
“what we are” through the lenses…
Length: 2 days, 1 night
Not only that we will learn the technical skills about photography from our talented photographer, but also, we would like to inspire a life of self expressions, mutual understanding and conscious awareness of pure being within.
China, country side (each time a different location)
About the Coaching Photographer
Introduction to our coaching photographer - Damiano Colla, Born in 1972, Varallo, Italy.
After graduating in communications/linguistics, he has been working many years in the
sales sector. And now currently based in Shanghai, China.
Photography is his passion, especially Reportage, Street Photography and taking pictures of people in their activities.
In the last years, he has been awarded several prizes and actively participates various projects:
- Venice, National Photo Contest by the Tourist Board of the Venice Area, selected to appear on the Tourist Board Calendar.
- Winner at the Rotaract Club Valsesia Photo Contest.
- “Luce f/ratto Tempo” Personal Exhibition at Palazza d’Adda, Varallo, Italy.
- Exhibition @ Castello D’Albertis, World Cultural Museum, Genova, Italy.
- Finalist at the International Photo Conbtest ‘Premio Chatwin – Images from the World, organized under the guidance of and with Elizabeth Chatwin, eventually awarded the 2nd prize for his Shanghai Reportage.
- Selected for being published in Maxartis Book, the annual publication of the Italian Photo Website.
Itinerary Day 1 09:00 set off Shanghai, direction small village of no fame… 11:30 arrival the village, walk around and enjoy the local lunch 12:30 visit the local culture, streets, handcrafts, exchange experience with the community 13:00 photography basic theory - Categories of photography - Basic techniques - The principal of image composition - 10 rules for good photography 14:30 explore the surrounding streets, markets, see different local workers in their daily duty 15:30 continue the picturing in the village with coach 17:30 practicing picturing in the dusk, waiting for the lights of the town… 18:30 local dinner 20:00 arrival guesthouse, share our day 22:00 sleep tight Day 2 06:00 rise with the sun, commit to a renewal with all vitality within… 06:30 catch the dawn in the picture 08:30 breakfast together and briefing of the day 09:30 enjoy the nature and practice picturing 12:30 lunch and catch our breath, have a break 14:00 final sharing and free time 15:00 summary then return 16:30 return shanghai 19:00 arrival shanghai Transportation: A private mini-bus will be arranged from/back to Shanghai downtown. Gathering: Time: 9am Place: (unless notified diferently) Zhongshan Park Subway Station, Line 3-4, Exit 3 Beside the 7-Eleven shop Meals: The meals will be country side local dishes, fresh vegetable and meat cooked on the traditional way. Simple and Healthy. Should you have especial requirements, please let us know beforehand. Accommodation: We stay in local guest house that we chose according to their good service commitment. Arrangements are usually twin bedrooms and occassionally in a shared dormitory. Friendly and Familly atmosphere. Clean and simple. Equipment: (Need to be prepared by each participant) - Hiking shoes - Hiking Jacket & Pants - Warm layers - Rain Coat - Quick dry T-shirt - Personal toiletries and towel - Drinking bottle (not soft plastic as often the refill is with boiled water and it melts) - Small bag to carry your things during the day - Weather protection according to the season - Your own camera and lenses - USB cable, Memory card, battery & charger (recommended a 2nd spare memory card & battery) - Tripod for the Night Photography session (If not, there is one that can be shared) Booking Procedures: Click on the side link and follow the procedures. Trip Comfirmation: Upon reaching the minimum amount of participants you'll receive an email with the last details about the trip. Usually 2 days before the departure. If we couldn't reach the minimum amount of participants we will postpone or cancel the activity. Price: 699 RMB Payment is done on site, directly collected by our Tour leaders. No need of a deposit, however we kindly ask you to keep us updated if after booking you couldn't attend. Thank you. Minimum 10 persons, Maximum 15 persons Private Groups & Team Outings: Chose a date and we can arrange this trip only for you (price is in proportion of group size). Included: - Transportation From & Back to Shanghai - Insurance (Click here for details) - Meals as per itinerary - Guiding & Coaching - Accommodation Not Included: - Alcoholic Drinks - Activities and expenses not mentioned in the itinerary and personal shopping Enjoy your vitality, devote to the Present and experience nature with serenity… See you soon! |
Be one completely with whom we are observing…
feel the same feeling, laugh the same laughter, we will realize life will not separate by eyesight, we see “what we are” “For me it is very important that photography means telling something... you know somebody writes stories, others paint, I take picture. So it is important to find something to tell...” – Damiano
浮生刹那 光影永恒
天数 :两天一晚
扼要介绍一下我们的摄影师-- Damiano Colla, 生于1972 年, Varallo, 意大利.
- 由威尼斯旅游局举办的“威尼斯国家摄影赛”被选入旅游局日历照片。
- Rotaract 俱乐部 “Valsesia 摄影比赛”冠军。
- 意大利Varallo d’Adda 广场“Luce f/ratto Tempo” 个人摄影展。
- Genova 意大利,世界文化博物馆 摄影展 @ Castello D’Albertis。
- “Premio Chatwin – Images from the World”国际摄影大赛最终入围者,最终获得第二名,参赛作品上海报道。
- 选入Maxartis 年册,意大利摄影网年度刊物。
第一天 09:00 上海出发前往乡间小镇… 11:30 到达小镇,小憩后午餐 12:30 探访当地皮影戏馆 13:00 摄影知识初论 - 摄影的分类及特点 - 基础摄影技术 - 构图原则 - 好照片的10 条原则 14:30 和皮影艺术家见面,领略非遗艺术的同时捕捉艺术瞬间 15:30 水乡古镇拍摄 17:30 黄昏,夜色将近,水乡生活随灯火渐入佳境… 18:30 享受晚餐,享受我们的成果… 20:00 到达乡村酒店,总结当日,分享照片 22:00 不思量,清静入眠 第二天 06:00 与一轮红日共生,唤醒心中的活力… 06:30 清晨捕捉瞬间 08:30 早餐,分享 09:30 大自然中行摄宁静与优美 12:30 午餐及午休 14:00 摄影分享及自由摄影 15:30 总结后自由活动 16:30 出发回沪 19:00 到达上海 关于包车 我们将提前根据大家居住地决定和通知集合地点 关于用餐 当地特色的餐饮,土法烹制. 用餐时间外,额外的酒水请自理. 需要参加者携带的用品 - 登山鞋或者徒步鞋 - 自用的水杯 (住所有茶水提供) - 雨衣(以防下雨) - 随身小包 - 个人洗漱及毛巾 -天气保护: 冲锋雨衣,保暖层 - 摄影其他设备: 相机及镜头,USB 线,记忆卡,电池及充电器(建议有备用) 价格 : 699 元 至少10 人 至多 15 人 团队 或者10 人以上团队提前要求日期 包含 费用包含: 指定地点接送包车 活动及所有所需公共用品 资深摄影师 行程中的正餐及早餐 一晚农家住宿 投影设备 不包含: 相机及镜头 在行程外我们将推荐景点和活动,但不含选择后产生的费用及个人消费及购物 一周后:个人的照片采集,望大家无私分享并由Yejo负责收集后将最终版发给大家,保留期间美妙瞬间。 享受我们的活力和那自然恬静,与人分享的时光... 到时见! |
感受着她的感受,微笑着她的微笑, 于是了悟人生不已视觉而分离,我们看到的不是看到的,看到的是 我们自己… “对我来说每张相片需要意味着什么,或者表达灵魂的一部分… 你知道,有些人写作,有些人画画,而我则用拍摄。
重要的是找到那些自由表达灵魂的瞬间…” -- Damiano |